Udaipur, the city of lakes, witnessed a full week of Namotsav events when our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi visited the city. In the joy of his visit, a target value of 1.5 Lac Namo-Patra of “Prime Minister’s Plans” were distributed to the people attending the Maha Sabha, where Mr. Modi inaugurated the execution of NH projects, having worth of around Rs. 15,000 Crore. Also, Bhumi Poojan was held to wish for the successful implementation of the projects. The one week drive, “Namotsav”, was filled with happening events and Udaipur was one of the spectators of the good days to come.

27th August 2017

“Raktveer”, a blood donation drive was held in the city to begin the Utsav with a feeling of harmony and achievement. Everyone, eligible and capable of donating blood, was invited to participate in Raktveer to mark the beginning of “Namotsav”.

28th August 2017

“Rudrabhishek”, a sacred ceremony was held to pray for Mr. Modi’s long life and prosperity. The work he has done so far and the work he is yet to do have revived a love for him among the audience.

29th August 2017

On this day, 1.5 Lac copies of Namo Patra containing the briefs of Government Scheme were distributed among the people of Mewar, attending the Maha Sabha . Also, on the same day, Mr. Modi inaugurated the NH projects worth Rs. 15,000 Crore.

30th August 2017

On the fourth day of Namotsav, a cleanliness campaign was organized to encourage the public to keep the streets clean. “Swacchata hi Seva” Campaign is an initiative to inculcate a feeling of self motivation among the people, so that cleanliness is kept not only on 30th August 2017, but everyday afterwards.

31st August 2017

Unavailability of toilets and restrooms has been a topic of concern in most of the rural areas of India. On the same note, the movie “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha” was shown to the women of slums and tribal areas surrounding the city.

1st September 2017

On the sixth day of Namotsav, the children of the tribal areas and slums were taken for a tour to Pratap Gaurav Kendra.

2nd September 2017

To conclude the 7 day event, on this last day, bags were distributed to the needy kids of the colony in order to motivate them to learn, attend school and grow up to become the future of our country.